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Great Reasons to Whiten Your Teeth

There’s a reason teeth are often referred to as “pearly whites.” If your teeth aren’t as bright or white as they used to be, teeth whitening treatment can help. We love offering whitening services to people seeking a more radiant smile. The following items are some of the most popular benefits appreciated by our patients here at Rifkin Dental in Yorktown Heights and Carmel, New York.

1. Look Younger

Because staining and yellowing become more likely with age and worsens over time, having your teeth whitened can take years off of your appearance. The results may be especially pronounced if your teeth have been stained by years or decades of tobacco use or drinking plentiful amounts of coffee, tea, or wine.

2. Make a Positive First Impression

For many people, whiter teeth allow for a more attractive smile they can feel proud of. These attributes can be particularly beneficial when you’re hoping to make a positive first impression, such as on a first date or at an important job interview.

3. Boost Confidence

You’re already lovely as you, no matter what your teeth look like. That said, many people struggle with reduced confidence and low self-esteem, due to discolored teeth. After your whitening treatment, you may have an easier time flashing a smile or posting for photos.

4. Celebrate a Special Event

Whether you’re preparing for a wedding, a graduation or a big holiday, teeth whitening can help you feel better prepared for that special happening. Particularly if you’ll have professional photos taken, you may find that whitening treatment is a worthy investment.

5.  Inspire Better Oral Hygiene

Once your teeth appear more sparkly and white, you may feel more inclined to take good care of them. To maintain the results for as long as possible, you might brush your teeth better or more often. You may also end up more motivated to schedule those important professional cleanings two or more times per year.

6. Compliment Other Improvements in Your Appearance

If you’ve recently lost unwanted pounds, gotten in better physical shape, had Botox treatment, or improved your looks with a well-styled wardrobe, whiter teeth may just want you to need to align with or enhance the results. Some people opt for teeth whitening as a reward for progress in other lifestyle areas.

7. To Celebrate Quitting Smoking

If you’ve recently quit smoking or other tobacco use, congratulations! That’s no small feat. Because tobacco can really stain teeth, now may be an ideal time to do away with the discoloring. Thankfully, you won’t have quite the same level of stains moving forward if you continue to avoid the habit.

To learn more about teeth whitening or find out if you’re a prime candidate, contact our office or schedule an appointment. We’d love to get you on the path to a whiter, brighter smile.

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